Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – September 2005

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, Sept 6th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

Bob called the meeting to order promptly at 7:02 PM.   He asked the Secretary to read the minutes from our July, 2005 meeting.  They were read and approved by all members present.

Bob then asked for a Treasurer’s report.  B. C. reported that we now have a total of 80 members in all categories and that our financial status is right on the budget.  All members present approved his report.

 Blackie advised the field was in great condition.  He said he did not observe any fire ants but did see some small digging on the runway, but not bad.

 Mike said we did not have any safety incidents that we need to discuss.  He advised that he had received a safety bulletin from AMA talking about lightening hazards.  He reminded us that the best place to take refuge in an automobile, not under the metal shed.  Lightning can strike several miles away from a thunderstorm.   Mike thanked who ever installed the new second first aid kit at the field.
Bob reminded everyone that Charlie has 16 gallons of fuel available and Vic has several hats available to anyone who wants them.

 Mike reported that our Ladies night out was a success with about 28 people attending.

 Lee gave Events committee report.  He advised that our next scheduled event has been changed to a later date and that George Sexton will take over for Glenn Gresens.  Butch will host a family day fun fly on October 22.  He plans to have an open climb and glide and a 3 ring circus as the main events.  Blackie will cook jambalaya but everyone needs to bring what ever they want to drink.  George will host a fun scale flying on November 12.  He will have a concession stand serving hamburgers and hot dogs and cold drinks.  The requirements are that your plane must look like a real airplane of some type.  It was decided to reschedule Blain Austin’s 3D event we had scheduled for December 2,3,& 4 due to road construction.  US 190 will be under
construction until sometime in May, 2006.  We will schedule it for sometime after our Big Bird.

 Bob reported the new member letter he passed out at our last meeting has been updated and given to B. C. to hand out to all new members.  It gives them information about the club along with some key contacts.  B. C. will also include a club roster, a copy of our bylaws, and a copy of our field rules with this letter.
New members tonight are:  Joe Hinchcliff, Bill Dodson, and Michael Rizzo.  All are experienced fliers and are current AMA members.  All members present approved the three for membership.  Welcome guys

 Richard Bellelo brought some DANGER sign he is donating to the club.  Thanks Richard.

 Farley reminded us what a good job Richard Mason is doing keeping up our web site.  Thanks Richard.

 A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:50 PM.

 James Bentley gave a great presentation on electric planes and equipment.
Willard Beard, Secretary
August 2, 2005